Support / Make a future gift
Making an impact into the future.
Leave a lasting legacy
Make a lasting gift to Vermont & its young people – Join the Caroline Wadhams Bennett Stewardship Circle
“I was a founding member of the VYCC board of directors when it became a nonprofit organization in 1992. My dear friend, Dot Evans, helped found this remarkable institution. Following in her footsteps, it has been my honor to support VYCC’s growth and success in changing the lives of thousands of young people and to support youth in completing projects that improve the health of our public lands and communities. VYCC is worth investing in for the long term. That’s why I have included a gift to VYCC in my will.”
– Caroline Wadhams Bennett, Underhill
You can join Caroline and other dedicated supporters in making a lasting gift to Vermont and its young people. Remembering VYCC in your will is a gift for Vermont’s future.
If you would like your legacy gift to support a specific initiative or program, please reach out to discuss this with us. We want to ensure we can honor the intent of your gift! Please contact Breck Knauft to discuss how you want VYCC to utilize your gift.
Breck Knauft
Executive Director, VYCC
It is recommended that anyone considering an estate plan seek the advice of a competent attorney and/or financial advisor before making a planned gift. The preceding information is not legal advice. Thank you for considering VYCC in your plans!
Sample language for your will
You can include a gift to VYCC in your will without diminishing the assets available to you during your life. You can designate an amount or percentage of your estate.
Since bequests are deductible from your taxable estate, significant estate tax savings may be possible.
Specific Bequest: “I give and bequeath __ (specific amount, item or % of my gross estate) to the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, a Vermont non-profit organization, located in Richmond, Vermont, for its youth development purposes.”
Residual Bequest: “The rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, wherever situated, I give and bequeath to the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, located in Richmond, Vermont, for its youth development purposes.”
Contingent Bequest: “If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby bequeath his or her share to the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, located in Richmond, Vermont, to be used for its general purposes.”
Gift some or all of your retirement assets or life insurance plan
You can create ongoing opportunities for Vermont’s youth by naming VYCC as primary beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your retirement assets or life insurance policy. The benefits will pass to VYCC free of estate tax. This removes an asset from your potential gross taxable estate, saving on taxes in the future.
To designate retirement assets, use the Beneficiary Retirement Form through your plan provider. An extra step may be required to designate a 401(k). After your lifetime, the residue of your plan passes to VYCC tax-free and to any other named heirs.
Qualified charitable distribution
If you are drawing funds from your retirement plan because you have reached the age of 70.5, but don’t require this income, you can send these funds directly to VYCC for an immediate and lasting gift supporting Vermont and its young people.
Rather than pay taxes on this income, you can ask your bank to send the funds directly to VYCC, tax-free.
Your financial advisor or our partners at the Vermont Community Foundation can help you determine your best options for making a lasting impact for Vermont’s youth and providing for your heirs.
Charitable gift annuity, remainder trust, or lead trust
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contract between you and VYCC, whereby you transfer cash or property to VYCC in exchange for a partial tax deduction and a lifetime stream of annual income from VYCC. After your lifetime, VYCC will use this gift to support our programs.
VYCC partners with the highly regarded Vermont Community Foundation to offer charitable gift annuities that benefit the VYCC endowment.
Contact Emilye Pelow Corbett, CAP® Philanthropic and Planned Giving Advisor at (802) 388-3355 ext. 230
Or your VCF Philanthropic Advisor Charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust.
Please contact Vermont Community Foundation to discuss these gift vehicles and how they might enable you to make a significant impact in Vermont.
Real estate
A residence or other real property may be given as an outright gift, or you may donate property and retain the right to occupy it for life. You receive a charitable deduction in the year you arrange your gift.